The Kaselehlie Press
KOLONIA, Pohnpei - The newest member of Governor Johnny David's cabinet was sworn into office on February 1. Wincener David was officially appointed the director of the Pohnpei Department of Health Services after serving as acting director for more than one year.
David was sworn in by the governor and received a signed certificate of appointment during ceremonies held at the Governor's Conference Room.
The governor's nomination of David was confirmed by the 6th Pohnpei Legislature. He now heads the second largest Pohnpei state government department behind the Pohnpei Department of Education.
Governor David thanked the Legislature for its positive action following his nomination and filling a seat that had been vacant for more than one year.
Also present at the ceremonies were 6th Pohnpei Legislature Vice-Speaker Berney Martin, Senator Ehpert Mihkel, Senator Thomas Pablo, Senator Fred Primo, Senator Francisco Ioanis, Pohnpei State Chief Justice Juda Johnny, State Auditor Annes Lebehn, cabinet members, health services doctors and nurses, staff, and employees.
Prior to the official appointment, David expressed his thanks to Genesis Hospital and Pharmacy for its donation of 90 chairs to the Pohnpei State Hospital.
In a January 28 letter to Hermi Alfonso, owner and manager of Genesis, David stated his appreciation for the donation.
"As you understand it has been difficult trying to upgrade the hospital in its present condition with our limited resources," David said.
"The new chairs would be put to good use in our hospital's waiting rooms, which would greatly benefit the patients, set good order in our clinics, and provide a glamorous outlook for the state hospital."