The Federated States of Micronesia faces the upcoming general election for the FSM Congress two-year term members, which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 8, 2005. The upcoming election will not only be for the FSM to elect members of the 14th FSM Congress, but also to vote on three amendments that the FSM Congress proposed to the FSM constitution through three congressional acts in December 2004. Signed into laws by FSM President Joseph J. Urusemal in January, the three proposed amendments must become effective upon receiving three fourths of the votes cast on March 8 in three of the four states.
Designated as Public Law No. 13-65, the first proposed amendment removes the constitutional prohibition on dual citizenship by deleting in its entirety Article III, Section 3 of the FSM constitution, which requires FSM citizens who also are citizens of foreign country to renounce their foreign citizenship or else lose their FSM citizenship. Designated as Public Law No. 13-67, the second proposed amendment adds a new section (Section 8) to Article XIII of the FSM constitution requiring that each state give full faith credit to the laws, judgments and official records of the other three states. Designated as Public Law No. 13-69, the third proposed amendment adds a new provision to Section 6(b) of Article XI of the FSM constitution that removes from the diversity jurisdiction of the national courts (including the FSM Supreme Court) any cases in which the ownership of land or water is at issue.
The three amendments will be ratified by three fourths of the votes cast on March 8 and FSM registered voters are responsible to make the right decision.
Along with the three amendments, the names of candidates for the 14th FSM congress will be displayed on ballots accordingly for FSM citizens to elect their representatives for the 14th FSM congress. From the State of Chuuk, five members will be elected from the five congressional regions. Election District No. 1, the Mortlocks, incumbent Senator Henry C. Asugar is facing off with two challengers; Lander Simor and Peter S. Sidan. Challenging incumbent Senator Roosevelt D. Kansou from Election District No. 2, Weno, Pis-Paneu and Fono, are Anna W. Mijares, Manikis Manny Sonis and Tesime Kofot. In District No. 3, the Southern Namoneas, incumbent Senator Sabino Asor faces Simiram Sipenuk and in the Faichuk area or Election District No. 4, State Senator Willie Williander is trying to unseat incumbent Senator Tiwiter Aritos. Finally, in the Northwestern region (District No. 5) former State representative Adanasio Smith and State Representative Masachiro Christlib are challenging incumbent Senator Moses Andrew Nelson.
In the State of Kosrae where there is only one representative to be elected, Vice Speaker Clause H. Phillip faces two challengers; Patterson Benjamin and Steven Linus George.
In the State of Pohnpei, only incumbent Senator Dion G. Neth is being challenged by Herman P. Semes and Ponsper Martin in Election District No. 2 (Kitti and Madolenihmw). Incumbent Senators Dohsis Halbert and Speaker Peter M. Christian of Election District No. 1 and 3, respectively, are running unopposed.
Finally, in the farthest western State of Yap, which will also elect only one representative, Fidelis Thiyer is trying to unseat incumbent Senator Isaac V. Figir.
The ballot is set so everyone get out and make your vote count on Tuesday.