June 9, 2005

By Masaleen Sehpin
The Kaselehlie Press

The employees of the Pohnpei State Department of Health Services, distinguished guests and many residents of Pohnpei State gathered on June 3, 2005 to observe the opening ceremony that marks the opening of the new Emergency Room and the new Administration building of the Pohnpei State Hospital. The ceremony took place just outside of the main entrance of the Pohnpei State Hospital, the area connecting the hospital and the dental care section.

Pohnpei State Governor Johnny P. David stated in his remark that the improvement idea came from former Director, Pohnpei State Health Services Simao N. Nanpei whom David congratulates along with all others who have made the completion of the two facilities possible.

"It instill great satisfaction, encouragement and deep gratitude in all of us in the Department of Health Services in seeing the presence of all of the Honorable individuals and Dignitaries who are here in sharing the enthusiasm of our accomplishment," said Nanpei. We are confident that with your unconditional supports this department will continue to plan and anticipate for more future developments," he added.

Director Wincener J. David, Pohnpei State Department of Health Services thanked Governor David, Nanpei and the 5th Legislature for the Department's recent accomplishments, which they hoped will add to the enhancement of health services to the residents of Pohnpei. According to Director David, the new Emergency room was fully funded by Pohnpei State Government and he thanked Senator Ausen Lambert and the Pohnpei Visitors Bureau for the possibility of the Hyperbaric Chamber in the new ER. The funding of the new administration building from the US Government and Pohnpei State Government is in the amount of $1 million and Director David thanked everyone who has contributed to the department's accomplishments.

"It is our wish that we decrease our reliance on off island services by improvement of our local capacity," said Nanpei. "In anticipation for the future creation of the off island referral program and in trying to reduce the cap that exists between our hospital care and off island services, it is our dream to construct an intensive care unit facility, to care for critically ill patients," added Nanpei. He further stated that the department has many dreams and that he believe it is good to have vision than none at all.

Vice Speaker Martin, Pohnpei State Legislature also join in thanking everyone who contributed to the accomplishments and he asked that the employees of the Department of health services care for the new facilities and everything within as they would a belonging so that the new accomplishments could last longer.

First Lady Elpirihte David was given the honor of cutting the ribbons opening up the two new facilities.