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e.s.a bayview restaurant
E.S.A. Bayview Restaurant
phone: (691) 350-2139
fax: (691) 350-2310
email: esayap@mail.fm
website: www.yapesabayview.com
ganir restaurant
Ganir Restaurant
phone: (691) 950-1205
i.l.p sakura restaurant
I.L.P Sakura Restaurant
phone: (691) 350-3880
manta ray bay restaurant
Manta Ray Bay Restaurant
phone: (691) 350-2300
fax: (691) 350-4567 or 3841
email: billacker@mantaray.com
website: www.mantaray.com
the pathways restaurant
The Pathways Restaurant
phone: (691) 350-3310
fax: (691) 350-2066
email: pathwaysres@mail.fm
website: www.PathwaysHotel.com
traders' ridge hotel restaurant
Traders' Ridge Hotel Restaurant
phone: (691) 350-6000
fax: (691) 350-4279
email: resv@tradersridge.com
website: www.tradersridge.com